
愛 網 所 有 影 音 、 講 座 和 文 章 版 權  所 有 , 轉 載 時 標題 旁 請 註 明  作者 江林月嬌  來源 愛網  等 字 樣 。

Hit Counter

       自母腹懷中產出,我與母親臍帶依舊相連之時,接生的醫師將滿身包裹在血衣裏、纖弱細嫩的我,輕置於母親豐腰柔腹的肌膚上。 喔!那是 ─ 江林月嬌 ─摘自母親,人生戲曲的第一要角

姻,不是「找」一位合適的人,而是「作」一位合適的人。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇

看見生命的主造作那循環不已的日頭時,喉頭自然詠嘆出清脆歡愉的歌聲,唱出一首首令世人永遠無法忘懷的頌讚禮歌。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自禮讚之生命─17年蟬

        問我的自信心從何培養?我想,就在我幼年無憂無慮的歲月裡,來自您摯愛的雙眼與熱情的掌聲。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自親愛的爸爸,我感謝您
        ,是用兩個人的生命,去完成相同的諾言。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇


經營之神    婚姻逃兵




聰明四樣小物 (揚)






Chinese/English Version (translated by:  Violet Chen)

Financial Management 101

Ctrl + Alt + Delete Fatigue

Seven Proverbs for Channeling Your Stresses

Balancing Your Family, Faith & Work

Rendezvous with Success 

Love is a Life-Long Choice
Weathering the storms in marriage*

The Wisdom of Communication

A Full Life

Guard Your Heart
10 Proverbs of Communications
Nine Indicators of Depression
Precious Moment
The Wise Man's Song of Joy 
The Breakthrough in Growth
Secret Formula for Emotional Flu Prevention
Daddy’s hands
Telling Family Members You Love Them*
Conflict Resolutions
The Seven “Up”s of Parenting

愛網主日學──親子關係  (The Biblical Parenting Principles)

    2004~2005    江林月嬌 主講    鐸鐸 錄影/製作    陳吳郁娜   translated by:  Violet Chen    家庭事工

您是訪客第 Hit Counter 人次

如 何 與 青 少 年 兒 女 互 動


How to Interact with Teenagers    speaker:  Julia Chiang
































Physical Development

Adolescent Girls

Adolescent Boys

  Dramatic physical changes, scary, feeling panicky

Physical development is a big secret, avoid  letting any one else know.

Menstruation starts, causing anxieties

Wet-dreams, masturbations,  restless

Pimples appear and would not quick

Pimples are bothersome, seeking formula to heal

Like a fat cat that loves to nap, always listless


Psychological Development

Early Adolescence11~14

Middle Adolescence14~17

Late Adolescence18~21

Prone to challenge authority

Resist controls from adults

Improve in relationship with parents

Prefer friends’ suggestions over parents’

Strong feelings of emptiness

Willing to accept parents’ suggestions

Day dream often

Constant battles between inner and outer self

Seeking guidance from people


Constant inner conflicts.

Desiring to adjust to new environment



Yearning for parental understanding

心靈的成長                      (參考資料:《吾家兒女初長時》,黃文雄醫師)

8歲以前的孩童,只知有一位主宰,是無所不知,不是無所不能、無所不在的主;對    神的觀念由父母的觀念延伸而來。

9~10歲 認識到復活節與耶穌有關,但與神無關。10歲以後,了解  神是無所不在、無所不知、無所不能的全能神。

11~13歲是信仰上的轉捩點,有  神人分離的觀念,    神的眼目無時無刻注意我們的一生。



Spiritual Development (adapted from Dr. Huang’s book “My Children Are Growing Up”

Before age 8, a child only knows there is an all present, all knowing, and all powerful God; the concept of God is based on the concept of parents.

From age 9 to 10, a child starts realizing the connection between Easter and Jesus, but not with God.  After ten, starts realizing that God is everywhere, all knowing and all powerful.

Ages 11 to 13 is a big turning point in their spiritual journey. Begins to realize that God and man are separate entities.  Realizes that God is watchful for our lives all the time.

After 13, has substantial concept of an almighty God, the Creator of the universe.

After 14, realizes that the Bible is a revelation from God and is critically important to men.  Has strong curiosity toward faith.

14 to 18 is the prime time for youth to embrace  faith.


*尊重孩子的隱私權 *避免觸電般的反應


*不攻擊他/她的朋友 *尊重個別的差異
*用孩子的尺度對待孩子 *不當面斥責*全家一起吃晚餐

Secret formula for Harmonious Relationship with Teens

*Respect a child’s privacy *Avoid instantaneous blow up
*Accept his/her negative emotions

*Be his/her friend

*Express how you feel without attacking his/her behaviors

*Avoid attacking his/her friends *Respect individual differences
*Avoid topics that would make both sides lose
*Treat the child with his/her yardstick *Eat dinners together
*Parents should shed the super human mentality
Build up the Positive Values
Children belong to God
Every one has his/her unique gifts from God
Love and help our children with God’s unconditional love

Suggestions to Parents of teens

Seek “balanced” life

Accumulate positive experiences bit by bit

Parental love is never changing love.

教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。(22:6)  Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.  (Pro. 22:6)

執子之手舔犢情(飛揚)      娃娃的喜歡(愛家)    牽她手,帶他走(飛揚)        從聖經看比較(導向)

養 兒 育 女 四 類 型 父 母  Four Types of Parenting

若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒。(127:1)  Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman keeps awake in vain.

州大學伯克萊分校(University of California, Berkeley)心理學理論家戴安娜.鮑姆林德(Diana Baumrind),在歷經十年研究後,首度提出「權威性」養育法的優越性。研究成果報告中,鮑姆林德提出養育兒女風格大略可分出四種類型的父母:

一、「威權型父母」(Authoritarian parents):其特色是立下許多的限制和對兒女的期望;父母嚴格執行,兒女唯命是從。

二、「威信型父母」(Authoritative parents):也有制定家規,但較有彈性;父母不僅主動向兒女解釋制定家規的原因,同時自己也身體力行。兒女們不僅能瞭解到「限制」是出於「愛護」,也能感受到父母的愛心和家庭的溫暖。

三、「放任型父母」(Indulgent parents):這類父母對孩子行為上的約束力非常有限,父母態度是隨和的、可溝通的,但本身卻不具備任何的權威。

四、「放牛吃草型父母」(Uninvolved parents):這類父母對兒女不抱任何的期望和要求,同時對兒女的請求,也表現出懶得理會或回應。少部份的父母更表現出忽略、疏忽,甚至拒絕承擔父母的角色。




「威權型父母」養育出來的兒女,會表現出情緒困擾和脾氣暴躁。 這是因為當父母親,嚴厲要求過多過高,甚至苛求時,雖有助於能力表現和行為控制,但情緒管理就容易出現偏差。 



After ten years of researches, Dr. Diana Baumrind, a research psychologist with University of California at Berkeley, explained the superiority of authoritative style of parenting. She mentioned that generally speaking, parenting can be categorized in four types:

 1. Authoritarian parenting: parents set clear boundaries, restrictions and expectations for their children.  Parents strictly abide by the rules and children are expected to be obedient.

2.  Authoritative parents: parents also set rules, but are more flexible; They not only explain to their children the reasons for the rules but also follow those rules themselves.  Children not only understand that the restrictions are for their own protections, but also can sense the love and warmth from their parents and their home.

3. Indulgent parents; These type of parents have very little control over their children. Their attitudes are compliant, easy to communicate with, but they lack any authority to their children.

 4.  Uninvolved parents: This type of parents have no expectations or requirements to their children. They also lack responses or interests to their children’s requests. A few of them are even negligent and sometimes evasive of their parental responsibilities.

The research based on the children in the seventies has the following results:

Children of “Uninvolved Parents” has the worst performances in all areas. They also created the greatest social problems.

Children of “Indulgent Parents” usually are wayward, aggressive, lack self confidence and have poor academic performances.

Children of “Authoritarian Parents” usually are emotionally disturbed and temperamental.  This could be resulted from the overly demanding parental expectations. Even though the children might have been compliant to the parents at the time of discipline, but they might turn out to be poor in their management of their own emotions.

Children of “Authoritative Parents” come across as cooperative, self-disciplined, energetic, friendly and eager to learn.  Their parents were responsible and responsive to their children, paying detail attentions to their children’s emotional development. The Authoritative Parents are more objective than the Authoritarian Parents, and therefore more efficient in their parenting especially as the teenage children grow in age, they are more authoritative, influential and persuasive.

After we studies these four types of parenting, we might notice our own needs of adjustments so that we can have better relationship with our teenagers.  Please share some of your learnings.

兒女是耶和華所賜的產業;所懷的胎是他所給的賞賜」(127:3)  Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. (Psalm 127:3)


培 養 高 EQ 的 孩 子  Nurturing Children with High EQ

「聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛,喜樂,和平,忍耐,恩慈,良善,信實,溫柔,節制。」(5:22)“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness, self-control.”(Galatians 5:22)
      何謂EQ?    情緒智慧是對自己和對別人的感受能力。《右腦革命》強調感情上的學習與表現,不同於左腦的學習(知識性的學習) 
      EQ孩子的特徵        情緒智慧高的孩子,通常是善解人意、善於溝通、不輕易發怒、處事圓融、體貼他人、被大家喜愛。
l解決問題的能力高 l挫折忍受度強
l洞察力強 l抗壓性強


l同情心 / 同理心 / 安慰 / 幫助 / 傾聽別人 / 利他行為
l有彈性 l合宜的、恰當的解決問題的能力
l 體貼別人 l良好的人際溝通與互動

      What is EQ? Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive other people’s emotions.  Revolution of the Right Brain emphasizes the differences of learning and performance of our emotions in the right brain from the intellectual learning of the left brain.

Characters of High EQ Children: understanding, communicative, not irritable, well-rounded, popular.

lHighly effective at problem solving

lHighly capable in enduring frustrations

lHighly perceptive

lHighly   capable in coping with stresses

Performances of High EQ Children

lCompassionate/Empathetic/  Good at comforting, helping and listening to others/ Altruistic in behavior


lAppropriate, Capable  in problem solving


lGood inter-personal relationship and communication skills

遠離情緒風暴  Steer Away from Emotional Storms

        1.            停:停下來與情緒風暴保持距離的能力。
        2.            看:看清楚到底現在是什麼狀況,什麼事情讓我很有情緒
        3.            聽:聆聽自己內心的自我對話。
        4.            擇:仔細思考我所能擁有的選擇,哪一個選擇是我真心希望的。
        5.            動:做好選擇,最後才行動。

Adopt appropriate approaches for your emotions and avoid detrimental emotional storms:

1.  Stop: Stop and keep a distance with your emotional storm.                2.  See:  See what is the current situation, and what has caused me to be emotional.

3.  Listen: Listen to the inner dialogue within.                                          4. Choose: Choose carefully the options I have, the one that is the most desirable.

5. Act: Make a good choice and then put into action.

Stop, see, listen, choose and act can help children to get out of the emotional hurricane rather than being dragged by it. It would prevent them from doing or saying anything thing they would regret later.  Managing the emotions triggered by  parent-child interactions can help children to learn from mature and positive ways of handling one’s own emotions and thereby adopting effective methods in inter-personal relationships.

「凡管教的事,當時不覺得快樂,反覺得愁苦;後來卻為那經練過的人,結出平安的果子,就是義。」(12:11) All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. (Hebrews 12:11)

東方傳統教育之省思(飛揚)           教育中外古今   

管 與 不 管  To discipline  or not to discipline

因為主所愛的他必管教,又鞭打凡所收納的兒子。」(來12:6)  For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives. Hebrews 12:6

「教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。」(22:6)  Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

父親的作用和職責  A Father’s Role and Responsibilities

1、慈愛          2、透明的生活          3、無私的勸勉
4、屬靈的可信靠    5、積極的影響

母親的角色和作用  A Mother’s Role and Responsibilities

1、透明可見的溫柔 4、無私的愛  
2、屬靈上可信靠 5、自制
1. Love        2. Transparent Life        3. Unselfish exhortation
4. Spiritual dependability        5. Positive influence.
With the consequence of his words he must be satisfied( whether good or evil). (Pro.18:20)
A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. (Pro. 15:4)
Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. (Pro. 16:24)
Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement  to those who hear them .(Eph. 4:29)
  A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. (Pro. 24:1-3)
1. Visible and transparent  gentleness 4. Unselfish love  
2. Spiritual Dependability .5. Self control
3. Inner confidence / Inner Strength

懲罰和管教  Punishment and Discipline


Discipline: Train your children to be good students, not through negative  attitudes but positive expression of your love. Discipline develops self control in children

Punishment: To punish the wrong doings, to retaliate, and exercise punitive measures.

Discipline is a gesture of love, to correct mistakes, and train up a child;Punishment is an expression of anger, to inflict pain through corporal punishment.

Punishment focuses on the wrong behavior  but discipline focuses on building virtues; Punishment results in fear and guilt, but discipline results in sense of security. 

管教的原則  Principles in Discipline




  Do not provoke your child to anger

Warning: discipline aims at correction

Fathers, do not aggravate your children. If you do, they will become discouraged and quit trying. (Col. 3:21)

To be discouraged” means to lose his heart, not having courage .

  Forgive – to reconcile and restore the relationship between you and your child

管教四步驟  Four Steps of Discipline






Based on love and reason, the entire process involves four steps

1. Assign tasks to children that are within their abilities to achieve

         2. Allow him to do things and allow him to fail.

3. Let the consequence of his behavior be the teacher for learning

4. Give him the responsibility to continue that task.

C O O L 模式  A COOL Model


        Csharing control──是指分享控制,共同約束;

        Owho owns the problem──是指分清問題是誰的
        Oopportunity for thinking──啟發的機會;
        Llet empathy and consequences do the teaching──讓感受和後果來教導孩子。

        COOL Model can summarize the teaching style above:

       C means sharing control mutually

       OO means owning up the problem

       OO means opportunity for thinking

        L means let empathy and consequences do the teaching.

「杖打和責備,能加增智慧;放縱的兒子使母親羞愧。」(29:15)To discipline and reprimand a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child. (Proverbs 29:15)

「管教你的兒子,他就使你得安息,也必使你心裡喜樂。」(29:17)Discipline your children, and they will give you happiness and peace of mind. (Proverbs 29:17)


 愛 與 管 教

「不忍用杖打兒子的,是恨惡他‧疼愛兒子的,隨時管教‧」(13:24)  If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don’t love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them. (Proverbs 13:24) 

適當的管教  Appropriate Discipline

愛之深,真的一定要責之切嗎?Just because you love deeply does that mean you have to scold harshly?

   罵孩子「笨蛋」是激發潛力?Will the name calling of “stupid” provoke a child to realize his full potential?

不當的管教  Inappropriate Discipline

1.  生理上:過度責打。

2.  心理上:認知上的不當


3.  情緒上:嚴重斥責



1.  Physically: too much spanking

2.  Mentally: Inappropriate  guilt trip.

                      causing distorted self image, and self esteem.

3. Emotionally: Harsh words

    Disrespectful of a person’s emotional responses and cycles.

    Negligent of important events, Lack of communications

檢驗的標準是什麼? What is the yardstick for discipline?

        l 愛是包容一切;「最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。】(彼前4:7~8

        l 有愛:有沒有「愛」。愛是基礎,管教為手段。

        l 目的:以孩子為中心,為孩子本身。

        l 智慧:非言語的暴戾。

        l Love can bear all things;  Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. (I Peter 4:7-8)

        l With Love: Is the discipline in love?  Love is the foundation, discipline is the means.

        l Purpose of discipline:  For the child.

        l With Wisdom: Do not use abusive and angry words.

不當的管教會帶來什麼樣的傷害與影響?Damages and Impact Caused by Inappropriate Discipline

l 自我價值感

l 自尊

l 羞辱

l 內在(不健康)的情緒模式

l self esteem

l self respect

l feeling of shame

l Inner (unhealthy) emotional patterns

如何避免不當的管教?How to avoid inappropriate discipline?

1.  堅持:價值觀和價值。

2.  察覺:目的是什麼?

3.  誠實:承認自己也會犯不當的管教。

4.  建立:注重平常的互動和關係。

1. Persistent:  values

2. Perception: What is the purpose?

3. Honesty: Admit your own faults.

4. Establish: Pay attention to normal relationship & interactions.

愛的管教七原則  Seven Principles of Loving Discipline

何謂「管教」:管是管理,教是教育。What is ‘discipline’?  management and education

1.  以愛為出發點:最短時間內重歸於好、恢復關係。保證父母愛的承諾。

2.  明確規範:事先溝通好;一致的行動。不鬆動已定的管教原則。

3.  有建設性:多鼓勵、少責罰。

4.  尊重與支持:三代同堂的管教原則,事先溝通,切勿無端介入。

5.  避免情緒化:避免不當情緒的發動。

6.  父母管教態度一致:管教者與安慰者交互應用。


1. Love is the starting point: Try to restore relationship as soon as possible. Guarantee  your children of your unconditional love.

2. Set clear guidelines: communicate the guidelines at the beginning; be consistent, Do not change your guidelines all the time.

3. Be constructive: Encourage often, seldom punish.

4. Respect and support: In the relationship between three generations, make sure you communicate first and do not interfere with parental authority.

5. Avoid being emotional: Avoid inappropriate emotional blow up

6. Be consistent among parents: Discipline and comfort

7.Be  a good role model.

「最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。」(4:7~8)  Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. (I Peter 4:7-8)

 管教兒女十戒            東方傳統教育之省思(飛揚)  

 自 我 形 象 的 建 立  Establishing Self Image

「我們知道,我們是屬上帝的,全世界都臥在那惡者手下。」(約壹5:19)  We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the power and control of the evil one.(I John 5:19)

自我形象  Self Image

        l 自我形象(self-image):又稱為「自我概念」,源自社會互動,是孩子與外在環境,互動過程形成的自我觀感。
        l 外在環境包括家庭環境、學校環境和社會環境等。
        l 人的影響有父母、主要照顧者和兄弟姐妹。

l Self-image: also called “self-concept” originates in the interaction in a society, is the concept of self a child forms when he interacts with the world around him.

l The environments around him include: family, school and the community

l The people that influence him include: parents, main care givers and brothers and sisters.

學校  School

        l 現實的(價值的判斷)
        l 集中在學習能力 / 表現
        l 不受接納(自我萎縮)
        l 換個角度思考:拾回對朋友的主控權(升級 / 降級);父母多使用「同理心」的教養方式。

l Practical  (value judgment)

l Focuses on the ability to learn/perform

l Not being accepted (Shrinking of self image)

l Change of perspectives:  Take back the control on friendship (promote/demote) Parents should use “empathetic” approach in teaching.

家庭  Family

1. 父母的特質  Characters of Parents
      l 教養的態度(溫暖的、支持的)
      l 充份的自主權、信任感
      l 兒女作錯時,父母親的態度

      l Attitudes in Teaching ( warm, supportive)

      l Ample trust in self and others

      l Attitudes when children make mistakes

2. 父母的關係  Relationship between Father and Mother 
      l  是吵架、爭執、不睦。(傷害與烙印)
      l 和睦、和諧、有親密感。(開放、有價值感、被看重的)

      l quarrelsome, explosive, not harmonious ( have scars & damages).

      l  Harmonious, intimate(open, valuable, respectful).

3.親子的關係  Parent-Child relationship

        The intimate feelings between parents and child is essential, especially emotional intimacy.  Before six years old, Mother is the main figure.  After entering elementary school, then boys tend to identify with fathers and girls with mothers.  The neglected children tend to develop low self-image.

l 共同的興趣:接納他/她的興趣;例如一起上網、打籃球、騎腳踏車等。
 l 共同的話題            l 休閒活動              l 雙向溝通

 l Common interest:  Accept his/her hobby; Play tennis, basketball, or go biking together.

 l Common topics            l Recreation              l two way communications

4.手足的關係:注意避免大對小的貶損。Sibling relationship: do not let the older one to say harsh words to the younger ones.
 l 從旁觀察                  l 適度介入             l 個別的談話


l Observe  their interactions l intervene at appropriate moment l talk with individual child privately

「不要看自己過於所當看的;要照著神所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。」(12:3)Be honest in your estimate of yourselves, measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.(Romans 12:3)

    牽她手,帶他走(飛揚)        從聖經看比較(導向)     

適 度 的 挫 折


        代孩子的抗壓性和挫折容忍力(AQ, Adversity Quotient,逆境處理商數)不足,缺乏自我支持的能力,往往在遇到挫折時,就自亂陣腳、自怨自艾,以情緒來回應壓力,卻不知以積極的行為扭轉乾坤,化危機為成長的轉機。

過度的挫折  Overly Frustrated


When a child is deprived of encouragement when growing up, his reactions toward frustrations are:

lAnger: When a child is being overly negated, a sense of fury would develop

lSense of inferiority:  A child needs lots of affirmation in the growing years.

lSelf abasement: No matter how hard I try, my parents never are satisfied.

lLost self confidence: When parents impose demands or disciplines that are beyond a child’s ability, it results in lack of confidence.

父母的幫助  Parental Help


lUnderstand your child’s special personality traits.

lUnderstand the developmental stages of your child

lBe your child’s ally

lLet the child bear theconsequence of his own behavior

幫助孩子成長  Assisting Your Child to Grow

lEstablish positive relationship with your child

lGive him/her room to fail.

lDo not use harsh words too often.

lWhen you said inappropriate words, apologize and remedy the damage.

「不忍用杖打兒子的,是恨惡他;疼愛兒子的,隨時管教。」(13:24)  If you refuse to discipline your children, it proves you don’t love them; if you love your children, you will be prompt to discipline them.(Proverbs13:24)

執子之手舔犢情(飛揚)      娃娃的喜歡(愛家)    牽她手,帶他走(飛揚)        從聖經看比較(導向)    

親 子 溝 通 五 類 型 Five types of parent-child communications

你們作父親的,不要惹兒女的氣,只要照著主的教訓和警戒,養育他們。(6:4)  And now a word to you fathers, don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them, Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord.(Ephesians 6:4)

譽為「家庭治療哥倫布」(Columbus of Family Therapy)國際知名的女性家庭治療大師維琴尼亞‧薩提亞(Virginia Satir1916~1988AD),是美國最具影響力的首席心理治療大師,也是美國家庭治療發展史上最重要人物之一,曾被美國著名的《人類行為雜誌》(Human Behavior)譽為「眾人的家庭治療大師」。


1.            指責型(Blamer):情緒常是憤怒的、不滿的、冷漠的、束縛的、疑神疑鬼的。行為常是批評的、攻擊的、打罵的、敵視的、否定的、挑剔的。

2.           超理智型(Super-reasonable):情緒常是固執的、強迫的、冷靜的、就事論事的,講理有原則的。行為常是權威的、獨斷的、規律的、操縱的、理性的、具優越感的。

3.            打岔型(Irrelevant):情緒常是唐突的、不安的、雜亂的、不平衡的、缺乏自信的。行為常是機智的、幽默的、干擾的、混淆的、俏皮的、莫名其妙的。

4.           討好型 (Placater):情緒常是內疚的、自貶的、依賴的、無助的、擔心焦慮的。行為常是敏感的、乞求的、順從的、神經質的、取悅他人的。

5.           一致型(Congruent):情緒常是愉快的、溫和的、自主的、平等的、尊重的、沒有防衛的。行為常是積極的、自信的、同理的、關懷的、肯定的、贊許的。 


An internationally well known family therapist Virginia Satir (1916-1988 AD), who is the most influential therapist in America and an important figure in America’s history of family therapy, has a unique theory and approach in family therapy which is greatly respected by many.  She believes that the style of communication is shaped by one’s body language, and verbal expressions. She puts family communication between parents and children into five basic types:

1.       Blamer: Often emotionally angry, discontent, aloof, controlling, suspicious. The behavior is often critical, attacking, abusive, hostile, negative and fault-finding.

2.     Super-reasonable: Emotion is often stubborn, forceful, cold, matter of fact, resort to principles.  The behavior is often authoritative, domineering, regular, controlling, rational, having a sense of superiority.

3.  Irrelevant: Emotion is often abrupt, anxious, disorderly, unbalanced, lack of self confidence.  The behavior is often witty, humorous, distractive, chaotic, mischievous, non-sensical.

4, Placater : Emotion is often self-blaming, self-debasing, dependent, helpless, cautious and full of worries.  The behavior is often super sensitive, appealing, submissive, paranoid and always seeking to please others.

5.  Congruent: Emotion is often pleasant, mild, self controlled, respect equality, non defensive.  The behavior  is often positive, self confident, empathetic, caring, affirmative, and approving.

Among the five types above, which type do you belong? Would you like to share?

 管教你的兒子,他就使你得安息,也必使你心裡喜樂。(箴29:17)  Discipline your children and they will give you happiness and peace of mind. (Proverbs 29: 17)

及時的愛(飛揚)        擁抱SMILE的人生(飛揚)    


家  庭  事  工

家庭事工的形式 Forms of Family Ministry

教育班   Education classes

成長班  Growth Classes

個別輔導 Individual counseling


危機處理 Crisis Management

家庭事工的目標 Objectives of Family Ministry

強化基督徒 Strengthen Believers

──夫妻關係 Marital Relationship

──親子關係 Parent-Child Relationship

──家庭功能 Family Function

「宣教策略」之一 Missions Strategy

把基督的愛帶到「婚姻與家庭」Bring Christ’s Love to Marriage and Family

讓    神的愛親自來醫治、纏裹經歷受傷的家庭  Let God’s love to directly heal the hurt in families.

不惜任何代價 搶救你我家庭 To rescue your and my family at all cost.

宗教信仰不限,歡迎夫婦參加  Regardless of religious background, couples welcome.

恩恩愛愛生活營  Love in Marriage Camp

~~基督徒婚姻生活~~  Christian’s married life

1)委身觀 Commitment

2)合一觀 Oneness

3)經營觀 Management

夫妻與主同行 Couples walking with the Lord

夫妻如何以《聖經》的教導面對婚姻難題? How do couples face difficulties in marriage with the help of biblical teachings?

福音的善工‧福音的預工  Gospel work Gospel Prework

        「不是倚靠勢力、不是倚靠能力,乃是倚靠        神的靈方能成事。」的屬靈意涵,經歷    神的恩典和同在的喜樂Not by might, nor by power but by the Lord’s Spirit. Experiencing God’s grace and His presence. Have the fullness of His Joy.

執子之手舔犢情(飛揚)     及時的愛(飛揚)     告訴家人你的愛(愛家)    東方傳統教育之省思(飛揚)   

相關網站:   有一位神    展開清晨的翅膀    詩篇23篇    盟約    Shalom平安    (影音/寬頻) 
愛網講座:   愛網主日學──鶼鰈情深    彼此相愛──從社交風格看和諧的人際互動    福音茶會 
友情連結:    DHC個人日記

全 人 歸 主 。   以 個 人 生 命 、 婚 姻 家 庭 、 信 仰 生 活 化 來 見 證 復 活 的 主 耶 穌 基 督 。

愛 網 製 作 提 供          email:  Julia@julia4christ.org