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       自母腹懷中產出,我與母親臍帶依舊相連之時,接生的醫師將滿身包裹在血衣裏、纖弱細嫩的我,輕置於母親豐腰柔腹的肌膚上。 喔!那是 ─ 江林月嬌 ─摘自母親,人生戲曲的第一要角

姻,不是「找」一位合適的人,而是「作」一位合適的人。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇

看見生命的主造作那循環不已的日頭時,喉頭自然詠嘆出清脆歡愉的歌聲,唱出一首首令世人永遠無法忘懷的頌讚禮歌。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自禮讚之生命─17年蟬

        問我的自信心從何培養?我想,就在我幼年無憂無慮的歲月裡,來自您摯愛的雙眼與熱情的掌聲。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自親愛的爸爸,我感謝您
        ,是用兩個人的生命,去完成相同的諾言。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇


經營之神    婚姻逃兵




聰明四樣小物 (揚)






Chinese/English Version (translated by:  Violet Chen)

Financial Management 101

Ctrl + Alt + Delete Fatigue

Seven Proverbs for Channeling Your Stresses

Balancing Your Family, Faith & Work

Rendezvous with Success 

Love is a Life-Long Choice
Weathering the storms in marriage*

The Wisdom of Communication

A Full Life

Guard Your Heart
10 Proverbs of Communications
Nine Indicators of Depression
Precious Moment
The Wise Man's Song of Joy 
The Breakthrough in Growth
Secret Formula for Emotional Flu Prevention
Daddy’s hands
Telling Family Members You Love Them*
Conflict Resolutions
The Seven “Up”s of Parenting


Guard Your Heart    author Julia Chiang

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life

  In a deserted wasteland called Patmos Island, a man named John saw a vision from God – the vision of the Holy City in New Jerusalem.


Are you stuck in a situation where every thing is out of place, nothing is going your way?

Is your heart filled with bitterness, anger and discontentment?

A Super Hero

In the film Bruce Almighty, the leading actor Bruce Nolan was the news announcer of Focus on Human Nature at Buffalo New York.  Through a series of frustrating incidences, he lost control of himself and broke loose in cursing God.

Never did he expect that this reaction caught Gods attention and consequently God granted him a reception. Not only that, this ordinary, self-righteous, nobody was granted the power to become God for a week.

        Now, Bruces philosophy of life is if he ever had the power like God, he would make sure he does anything he desires, whatever comes to his mind.

        The first thing he did with his supernatural power was to stop his pet dog from peeing anywhere in the house. Instead, it was able not only to sit on the toilet, but to read the news paper while he does his job.      

After a series of absurd incidences, God said to him: You can use the power I grant you, but remember, you cannot control the free will of a person.

With this God-given super power he expanded the size of his girl friends bust.and did many other frivolous things. But when his girl friend decided to leave him, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, he could not turn her heart back toward him.

    In the misery of being jilted, he humbly returned to God for help: How can you make some one to love you without interfering with their free will?

    Through many laughable measures and bargaining with God, Bruce finally woke up to the fact that he was only a human being, and could not use super powerto solve all problems.  At lease, no super power could change his girl friends heart and turn around to love him again.

Giving up self

When all hopes were gone, God reminded Bruce that many things in life can be under mans control.  In fact, It is up to man to plan, but it is up to God to fulfill the plan. On the other hand, men do have the responsibility to get things done.  Men need Gods gracious help, and at the same time they also need to put into practice what they know are their duties.

The encouraging thing was that Bruce gradually realized that if a person would exercise his responsibility, and offer up his time and energy, his life would not become out of control. Take raising pet as an example, Bruce could have trained the dog to go to the proper placefor emptying his bowels and bladder, but his lack of patience and persistence ended the unfinished training in chaos.

Ventually, he decided not to use his super power anymore, but instead, he started bringing his dog outside for potty training.  From such trivial and mundane things,  the  audience can observe that once a person fulfills his duties, then the people, things and objects around him would become more orderly and move toward a more positive direction. 

Bruce finally realized  that to possess super power does not mean that one has possessed everything.  To be a human, the most important thing is to guard ones heart.

Guard your heart.

In the twenty-first lecture of Rev. Stephen Tongs  Bible Exposition on the Book of Hebrews, he mentioned that when the Arch Angel fell, it was falling upward. Likewise, when a person is not willing to settle for being human, but instead, desires to become like God, he is also falling.

And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home(Jude 6).  Here we see how much God values our position more than our thoughts, consciousness, speech, behavior and habits.

Proverbs 4:23 says: Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

At the end of the movie, God was asking the main character: Do you still hope that your girl friends heart would turn around, to get back with you?

Bruces answer was sad but firm: No, I only hope that she would have a happy lifeif there is someone else that fits her better, who can bring more happiness to herI only want her to be happy. 

From the original Bruce who was dreaming to become the chief anchor man instead of just a news announcer, to having become one with super power playing God, the journey made him appreciate Gods comment about him:

 You possess a rare ability to make people happy, to bring laughter  to people around you. I know you real well, for I have made you with my own hands.

Yes, dear readers, is your marital status, parent-child relationship and inter-personal relationship out of control?  Do you feel a deep sense of helplessness in the chaotic situation you are in?

Today, what you do not need is to become God overnight, to possess the super power for cleaning up the mess, but to humbly turn your heart toward God, and acknowledge to Him your limitations and inadequacies.

May the Lord add His grace and strength on us, to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees. Pray that the Lord would grant us wisdom and strength, love and patience, perseverance and courage to face the people, and things around us, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.       

      (Published onEFC Journal》    EFCCC    No.137    April, 2006    translated by:  Violet Chen)  

Scrriptures sharing:

        Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life.   (Pro. 4:23)

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