
愛 網 所 有 影 音 、 講 座 和 文 章 版 權  所 有 , 轉 載 時 標題 旁 請 註 明  作者 江林月嬌  來源 愛網  等 字 樣 。

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       自母腹懷中產出,我與母親臍帶依舊相連之時,接生的醫師將滿身包裹在血衣裏、纖弱細嫩的我,輕置於母親豐腰柔腹的肌膚上。 喔!那是 ─ 江林月嬌 ─摘自母親,人生戲曲的第一要角

姻,不是「找」一位合適的人,而是「作」一位合適的人。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇

看見生命的主造作那循環不已的日頭時,喉頭自然詠嘆出清脆歡愉的歌聲,唱出一首首令世人永遠無法忘懷的頌讚禮歌。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自禮讚之生命─17年蟬

        問我的自信心從何培養?我想,就在我幼年無憂無慮的歲月裡,來自您摯愛的雙眼與熱情的掌聲。  ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自親愛的爸爸,我感謝您
        ,是用兩個人的生命,去完成相同的諾言。 ─ 江林月嬌 ─ 摘自愛是一生的抉擇


經營之神    婚姻逃兵




聰明四樣小物 (揚)






Chinese/English Version (translated by:  Violet Chen)

Financial Management 101

Ctrl + Alt + Delete Fatigue

Seven Proverbs for Channeling Your Stresses

Balancing Your Family, Faith & Work

Rendezvous with Success 

Love is a Life-Long Choice
Weathering the storms in marriage*

The Wisdom of Communication

A Full Life

Guard Your Heart
10 Proverbs of Communications
Nine Indicators of Depression
Precious Moment
The Wise Man's Song of Joy 
The Breakthrough in Growth
Secret Formula for Emotional Flu Prevention
Daddy’s hands
Telling Family Members You Love Them*
Conflict Resolutions
The Seven “Up”s of Parenting

智者的樂歌  江林月嬌

The Wise Man's Song of Joy    author Julia Chiang

Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, it is not affected by the circumstances around us

《聖經 》舊約:「喜樂的心乃是良藥。」(17:22) A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.(Prov.17:22)

快樂與悲傷兩者讓人選擇時,正常人都會選擇前者。 If we are given a choice between happiness and sadness, most people would pick the former one.

然而,何為快樂? But what is happiness?

快樂是什麼? What is happiness?

有人說快樂是有選擇的自由。 Some people say that happiness is having the freedom to choose.

有人說快樂是在某時某刻某地點的一種心理滿足。 Some people say that happiness is an emotional fulfillment at a given time, a given situation, and a given place.

也有人說快樂是金錢、是名譽、是成功、是勝利、是權威,是創作後的一種懶散。 And there are others that say happiness is having good fame, successful, being a winner, powerful, or the idle leisure after a creative composition is given birth.

        更有人說快樂是上帝賜予的,但上帝留了一手,沒有賜給人類尋找快樂的方法. But there are others that say happiness is given by God, and He has reserved the steps of looking for happiness to Himself.

        身兼藝術家與演說家的「快樂作家」安德魯.馬修斯(Andrew Matthews) 1988年以《我變快樂了(Being Happy!)一書贏得百萬冊暢銷書作者頭銜,他在《跟隨你的心》(Follow Your Heart)一書中,以正面積極的處世態度提出:「快樂是來自真正的參與,挑戰自己,出於心甘情願,並非情不得已。」Andrew Matthews who is dubbed author & speaker on  happiness won the title of the best seller after his book Being Happypublished in 1988 has sold over one million copies. In the book Follow Your Heart he mentioned in a positive attitude: "Happiness originates in real involvement, challenging oneself voluntarily, not grudgingly."

喜樂與快樂 Joy versus Happiness

希臘的哲學家說:「人是追求快樂的動物。」人在七情的人生──喜、怒、哀、懼、愛、惡、慾──賣力演出,有時喜怒哀樂、有時酸甜苦辣。 A Greek philosopher said: man is an animal that seeks after happiness. In a life with seven different emotions  happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate, lust man does his best in acting, sometimes it is at once joyful and sad, but other times it is sweet, sour, bitter and spicy altogether.

喜,意即歡喜、快樂的情感;樂有許多種,其中快樂與喜樂,兩者截然不同。 Being happy and being joyful are two completely different sentiments.

快樂是外來的接觸,眼鼻耳口受到刺激就產生快樂。快樂的指標就是微笑;快樂只有在與人分享的時候,才顯出它的真正本質。 Happiness comes from an external stimulation.  When a persons eyes, nose, ears or mouth get certain type of stimulation, happiness can derive. An indicator of happiness is smile. Happiness can reveal its true substance only when it is shared with others.

快樂有別於喜樂,「喜從天降」、「喜笑眉開」、「喜氣洋洋」是從內裡散發出來的;是奪也奪不去、偷也偷不走的。喜樂取決於人心而非環境。聖經說,心中的喜樂是沒有人能奪去。(16:22) Happiness is different from joy. Joy from above Be all smiles Full of Joy are all true joy from within. It cannot be stolen or deprived. Joyfulness is not dependent on the environment. In John 16:22, the Bible says; and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you.

喜樂是聖靈的果子,不受任何發生的好事或歹事影響;喜樂也絕不因環境的改變而消散殆滯。 Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. No matter what happens, good things or bad, joy could not be disturbed by the change of the environment around a person.

快樂公式 Formula of Happiness

        近年心理學家們致力於發掘快樂,研究結果發現:快樂與兩性、地域和文化差異等因素息息相關。 In recent years, some psychologists have spent great effort in identifying the source of happiness. The research uncovered regional, gender and cultural differences in finding happiness.

英國職業心理學家卡樂‧羅薇Carol Rothwell)聲稱她已鎖定了一個簡單的「快樂公式」:Carol Rothwell, a British psychologist claimed that she had come up with a formula for happiness:

P +(5WE)+(3WH)

P代表「個人特質」(Personal characteristics):包括外表長像、價值觀、世界觀,適應能力和應變能力等。P equals Personal characteristics such as outlook on life, resilience and adaptability.

E代表「存在需求」(Existence needs):人際的關係、健康的狀況、財務的穩定度都分列於此一項目。E stands for Existence needs such as health, money and friends.

H代表「幽默感」(sense of Humor);雄心、自尊心、期望值、幽默感都可涵蓋其中。H is for Higher order needs like a sense of humor, ambitions and self esteem

這簡單的公式幾乎把影響快樂最重要的生命元素都含括在內。然而,快樂還並不是這麼簡單的東西;此一研究發現,男性的優先順序表中,認為「談戀愛」是很重要的,竟然比女性高出許多,男女重視比例分別為20%14%This simple formula has almost encompassed all the most essential ingredients in life. But happiness is much more complicated than that. In her research, men's priorities for achieving happiness include the importance of courtship. For men, it is 20% but for women it is only 14% as their priorities.

對男性來說,最快樂的事除了談戀愛外,還有歡渡假期、擁有優質性生活和傑出的運動表現。 Besides courtship, men included vacations, quality sex life and outstanding athletic performances as things that would make them happy.

讓女性快樂的兩件事分別是,與家人共渡時光、享受豔陽下美味餐點;明顯高於談戀愛。 The two things that make women happy are: spending time with family, and enjoying a gourmet meal. Courtship is comparatively less essential for happiness.

這項在英國的研究發現,金錢非快樂之源;反而認為談戀愛比贏錢或繼承財富更令人快樂。倫敦市民對愛情的評估比全英國的平均數高出兩倍。 These researches found that money is not the source of happiness. Being in love makes one happier than inheriting great fortunes. The Londoners seem to rank romance twice more important than the average Britons.

事實上,無論是幸福、是快樂都只是行動過程中的附帶產物而已,其本身並無價值;在歷鍊過程中所增進的德性與德行,才能夠真正教人幸福。 As a matter of fact, happiness or feeling of blessedness are all the by products of certain actions. They are of not much value in themselves. It is the virtues and characters that result from the process that can teach men to be truly blessed.

心理學家指出:一個被愛與懂得愛人的人是幸福快樂的。愛成了快樂的泉源,愛之所在即是樂園,愛人和被愛,都能使人充滿快樂愉悅之感。Psychologists tell us that only those that know how to love and are loved by others are the truly happy people. Love is the source of happiness. Wherever love is, there is the paradise. To love others or to be loved by others can all give people a sense of happiness.

知足常樂 A contented heart can be in constant joy

「聖誕快樂」、「新年快樂」、「生日快樂」等賀詞,在在顯示快樂是人人喜愛,並且希望得到的福份。然而,哪些快樂是正當的快樂呢?Merry Christmas Happy New Year Happy Birthday. All these greetings show that people like and hope to gain happiness. But, where can true happiness be found?

《聖經》中提到榮耀上帝的快樂,就是正當的快樂。「人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞化毀謗你們,你們就有福了!應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。在你們以前的先知,人也是這樣逼迫他們。」(5:11~12) The Bible says the joy of glorifying God is the true joy. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)

「你們要靠主常常喜樂,我再說你們要喜樂。」(4:4)要學習放手,謙卑的承認許多事物不在我們的掌控下;盡力而為,相信上帝必然按祂崇高的旨意成就。Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4) Learn to let go and humbly admit that there are many things beyond our control. Do your best and trust that God will accomplish things according to His own Will.

蘇格拉底 (Socrates, 469~399 BC)認為智慧即美德,美德的總歸就是節制。在謀求快樂的方案中,首要之務是要停止憑直覺行事,要用理性審視慾望的來源。他說:「我在最簡單的慾望中,感到最接近上帝,也最容易快樂。」Socrates(460-399 BC) regards wisdom as virtue. The essence of virtue is self control. The measure of seeking happiness is to avoid trusting your intuition, but allowing your reason to examine the source of your desires. He said:  I found myself the closest to God and the happiest when I have the simplest desire.

知足就會常樂;「只要有衣有食,就當知足。」(提前6:8)知足,就是將上帝賞賜的一切,看為足夠,並且以感恩的心歡喜領受。智慧哲人點出得著快樂的秘訣,就是節制欲望;節制的歸結為獲取最大快樂的手段。蘇格拉底又說:「我現在才發現,原來我不需要的東西這麼多!」他寧可受道德的約束,但絕不受慾望的擺佈。True contentment would bring one happiness. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. (I Timothy 6:8) To be content is to regard the things that are already given by God as plentiful. Therefore accept what is given to you with a thankful and joyful heart. Men of wisdom pointed out the secret formula for happiness is to have self control. The means to reach the greatest joy is to have self-control. Socrates also said, I now discovered that I do not need so many things! He would rather be controlled by morality than to be controlled by desires.

追尋快樂 The Pursuit of Happiness

美國歷史學家兼散文家威爾‧杜蘭特(Will Durant)曾寫下尋找快樂後的心得感想: Will Durant, an American historian and prose writer, wrote down his reflections after attempting to pursue for happiness:

我在知識中尋找快樂,卻只找到幻滅; I sought to find happiness in knowledge, I only found disillusion;

我在旅行中尋找快樂,卻只找到疲倦; I sought to find happiness in travel, I only found fatigue;

我在財富中尋找快樂,卻只找到紛亂憂慮; I sought to find happiness in fortune, I only found chaos and worry;

我在寫作中尋找快樂,卻只是找到身心疲憊。 I sought to find happiness in writings, I only found an exhausted body and mind.

這份尋找快樂後的結論是──愚人向遠方尋找快樂,智者從自己身旁培養快樂。 The conclusion of his pursuit for happiness is --- Fools would seek happiness from afar,  But a wise man would seek happiness from the world around him.

鄺炳釗博士在《從聖經看如何活得更快樂》一書中說:「活著就是一種恩賜,上帝本來是要人快樂的活著。」他提出,人應當認識到上帝對人無盡的恩情,明白自己在上帝眼中是何等的貴重,因被上帝所愛而歡欣快樂。 Dr. Bing Zhou Kwang mentioned in his book How to live a Happier Life according to the Bible : To be alive is a gift. God desires that men can live happily. He says that man should realize the endless grace God has for him, and how precious he is in God's eyes, and be full of joy because of the love God has for him.

智慧的王所羅門也曾說過: The wise king Solomon also said once:

「人活多年,就當快樂多年;然而也當想到黑暗的日子,因為這日子必多,所要來的都是虛空。」(11:8) Indeed, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice in them all, and let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything that is to come fill be futility. (Ecclesiastes 11:8)

「你只管去歡歡喜喜吃你的飯;心中快樂喝你的酒;因為  神已經悅納你的作為。」(9:7) Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works. (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

施比受更為有福;善於給予、有愛心、有憐憫心腸的人,比只知伸手抓取的人更加快樂。It is more blessed to give than receive; A cheerful giver, and a loving ,merciful person would be much happier than one who only knows how to grab for himself.

保羅得快樂的秘訣是:「兄弟啊!我為你的愛心,大有快樂。」(1:7) Paul said the secret of happiness is For it is only right for me to feel this way about you al, because I have you in my heart. (Philippians 1:7)

特別值得一提的是,《聖經》警戒人有時不可快樂:「你仇敵跌倒,你不要歡喜;他傾倒,你心不要快樂。」(24:17) One thing worth mentioning is that the Bible also warns people not to be happy sometimes: Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles. (Proverbs 24:17)

救恩之樂 The Joy of Salvation

  上帝賜給人類大喜的訊息,就是人罪得赦免、活著有意義、有永恆生命的盼望、得著救恩之樂;因此,相信上帝是快樂的基礎。 The good news of great joy is that God has forgiven man's sins and man can have a life full of meanings , having eternal hope and the joy of salvation. Therefore, the true foundation of happiness is to have faith in God.

試想,被罪所困的人,何樂之有?對將來沒有把握的人,怎會快樂? Just imagine, a man bound in sin, how can he be happy? Without hope for the future, how can one be happy?

        《聖經》說:「要常常喜樂這是上帝在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的旨意。」(帖前5:16, 18)  The Bible says: Rejoice always. For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thessalonians 5:16,18)

誰能叫我快樂呢? Who can make me happy?

耶穌曾說:「你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜的仰望我的日子;既看見了,就快樂。」(8:56) Jesus once said: Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad (John 8:56)

你若得著了耶穌在兩千年前降世為人,為世人成就了救贖的恩典,你也必快樂。 If you can receive the grace of salvation that Jesus came to fulfill two thousand years ago when he came down from heaven , you will experience this true joy.

           (刊登於《飛揚雜誌》雙月刊    Touch Life     第37期     2004年4月   陳吳郁娜        translated by:  Violet Chen) 


       「你們現在也是憂愁.但我要再見你們、你們的心就喜樂了;這喜樂,也沒有人能奪去。」(約16:22 And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.  (John 16:22)

        「要常常喜樂。」(帖前5:16)  Be joyful always.  (I Thessalonians 5:16)

友情連結:        Glory Lutheran Church 榮耀堂              

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